Wyoming Firefly Claims the Champion Romagnola Exhibit at Brisbane Royal Show
Story report posted at 2:27 pm on the 13th August, 2014

Wyoming Firefly & calf Kokoda - Champion Romagnola Exhibit Brisbane Royal Show 2014. Photograph Courtesy of QCL
Wyoming Romagnolas had only a small team of two cows and calves at this years Brisbane Royal Show (the EKKA). However we were happy to come away with both the Champion and Reserve Champion Romagnola Females and the Champion Romagnola Exhibit with our cow Wyoming Firefly beating the Champion Romagnola Bull for the top award.
The judge, Steve Farmer of Comanche Droughtmaster Stud had strong praise for both Wyoming Firefly and her stable mate Wyoming Fern commenting on their femininity, frame and mobility, as well as their quality calves at foot. In determining the champion female, Mr Farmer believed that Wyoming Firefly showed slightly stronger muscle development and beef producing qualities to place her in the top position.
These were also the thoughts of Matt Black who at the conclusion of the judging purchased Firefly and her calf Kokoda to be used in their Sunny Dale Romagnola Stud in northern New South Wales.
We would like to wish Matt and his father Bob all the best in their new purchase and hope that the further nine shows they have earmarked for Firefly and Kokoda are as successful as the EKKA was for us.